Table of Contents

projects Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

2012-10-13, 2012-01-25, 2011-11-10, 2011-05-25, 2010-11-07

plugin A plugin that allows wiki pages to represent files, and to generate files basing on some recipe (rules). This empowers a DokuWiki to become a collaboration tool on project management and content creation.

Last updated on
Syntax, Admin, Action
Conflicts with

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Security warning (please read plugin security guidelines): This extension will allow execution of scripts. It should only be used when you trust ALL editors, best suited in private personal wikis.

Tagged with collaboration, file, generate, make, projects, recipe, source


SECURITY WARNING: There is a huge security risk enabling this plugin on a publicly editable wiki, just as enabling the php embedding in wiki pages, i.e., it is equivalent of opening up access to the user and group that the apache process is running with. To mitigate this risk, you need to restrict the editing privilege to only trusted user to the :projects namespace.

The newest version is 2013-01-21, which is compatible with the “Adora Belle” release. See the change log below.

Installation instructions


See the development page:


Basic syntax:

Configuration and Settings

The presentation of a file in a project can be customized using the style.css file.


See development.


If you would like to contribute to the development, please email Junling Ma.

Change Log

Known Bugs and Issues

ToDo/Wish List



Please post your comments and suggestions, bug reports, etc, here.

Bug Reports

Comments and suggestions